(+34) 947 483 700 


Sistema Kingzip

Constructive solution for the execution of curved and three-dimensional claddings of organic geometries, by means of seamed sheets, with lengths from 1 to 150 m. It is manufactured on site, in mobile facilities that can be moved to any construction site.


Architectural claddings for industrial, residential, commercial buildings and sports facilities. Available in steel or aluminum, with several coating options.

Sistema Kingzip

Kingzip Linea
Constant width sheets, available in three different widths: 300, 400 and 500mm. For technically perfect claddings with angular, convex, concave or conical architectural geometry.

    • tz footerCONTACT

      Pol. Ind. Gamonal
      c/ Alcalde Martín Cobos, s/n
      E-09007 Burgos (España)
      Tel: (+34) 947 483 700
      Fax: (+34) 947 483 803
      This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.